Welcome to the Compassion Culture Series: a new Grief Dialogues podcast series that opens the conversation about dying, death and grief with care givers and health care providers. This series shares stories and present questions and answers from experts in the field of the medicine, thanatology, psychology, end-of-life, and grief.
Interested in sharing your story on our podcast? If you have a question to ask or a story to share, just email us at info@griefdialogues.com with “podcast” in the subject line, and we’ll respond!
Enjoy listening to our podcast series? Consider making a donation to the Grief Dialogues.
Grief Health Care Education educates medical providers and the patients they serve to advance, sustain, and support vital death and grief conversations through a collection of curated theatrical productions and narratives.
1107 First Ave, Suite 907
Seattle WA 98101
Phone: 206.930.9984
Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 6:00 pm